Saturday, March 7, 2015

The writing..not the spelling

Good Morning people!
I am in a writing mood again.. been awhile... where do I begin?! I could write about the weather or the political, or even about the food places which have been a big let down... I am thinking of writing it all down in my books again.. and then trans to computer... then adjust with spell checker etc... later.. I find writing in hand more feeling that onto the computer, directly.. As my feelings with spelling mistakes and all...more open than that of a computer... As you get the flow of writing and it doesn't stop for correction or highlights mistakes which take away from your thought process.. Writing in a book on the pages.. with doodling's and scribbling's seems to open up a world where your really expressing your words and feelings.. what ever they may be...People are so judgmental when you write.. Pick out the mistakes. .but not taking in the writing itself or the story your describing.. the creative part of the expressions.. they love to place the negatives, rather than seeing what the person's writing about.. interesting... me, I read the words and get to the heart of it.. not the mistakes and the spelling.. for that is only the cosmetics of writing.. The story is important... Then again... some people are not creative and can only see the mistakes and not the story behind those mistakes.. That in itself is interesting as the writer can see that they cannot read the story... only the mistakes which those people pick up....
I sometimes read, many books have untold mistakes in them and they are best sellers, yet it is the story which gets to me... when the story is good ,, then the rest is not so important..cave men had no spelling.. but their stories lasted more than centauries..

I found that who I am is unimportant. What I do is more important. Inspire creative passions which you were born to achieve and be, is!

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