or Wisdom
Sonia Frances Stevens
With everything that we
all endure
It is our life that we
must secure.
Each person we do meet.
There is something we
learn when we greet.
With turmoil all around
of life
With everyone, life is
ours to keep
Through strife when
things are at ends
It is up to you and me
to make amends.
You and I are the same
You and I are here to
You and I are here to
We share because deep
down inside,
We all do really care.
In bad times,
We face our life to
Being together,
Is what we all learn.
In good times,
We celebrate,
Because we learnt to
overcome the hard times.
Each phase of life
You and I must share.
Because deep inside we
really do care.
Being alone,
We all go into despair.
Being tighter, we
learn, love, share, care,
And we work for each
So my words to you are:
Share your life, in all
types of weather.
Because no man is an
To live a fruitful life
you and I must share.
You and I open our
heart to care.
We love, give what
others need,
And validate each
others point of view.
We hold their truth in
our hearts
And do not distort it,
Or judge it.
Only then do we
experience inner peace,
Self- love and joy.
Sonia F Stevens