"You are far more powerful than you may have been led to believe, it’s time for you to remember your greatness as a powerful eternal being, a creator, a direct reflection of all that is and ever has been. Stand in your power confidently."
Here are some ways you can claim your power and not be pulled into our spiritually sick society that is often times harvesting our precious energy that fuels their reality, robbing you from creating your own.
*You are a powerful creator, your imagination and thoughts create your experience.
*Words are energy in action and cause a reaction, choose your words wisely.
*Your mental focus is highly valuable asset to celebrities, advertising companies, and governmental agencies. Energy flows where your attention goes. If your focus is on a celebrity and by comparing yourself to them and their lifestyle, you are fueling their reality instead of fueling yours.
* Always keep your heart and mind open to greater possibilities.
*Trust your intuition, its your soul leading the way.
* The future has not happened yet and the past is behind you. The only thing that is real is now. Stay in the present moment as this is the place you create within and experience within.
Here are some ways you can claim your power and not be pulled into our spiritually sick society that is often times harvesting our precious energy that fuels their reality, robbing you from creating your own.
Some thoughts to ponder and reflect upon...
*Earth is a school for the soul’s evolution and expansion.
*You are a powerful creator, your imagination and thoughts create your experience.
*Words are energy in action and cause a reaction, choose your words wisely.
*Your mental focus is highly valuable asset to celebrities, advertising companies, and governmental agencies. Energy flows where your attention goes. If your focus is on a celebrity and by comparing yourself to them and their lifestyle, you are fueling their reality instead of fueling yours.
*Loving yourself is a rebellious act in a society that profits on your insecurities and fears.
*Learning to love yourself unconditionally is the foundation for all relationships that come into your life. They will only be healthy and balanced if you love yourself deeply, you can then love freely.
*Your emotions are a divine gift here to guide you, not enslave you.
* Failure is a part of success.
*Awareness changes everything.
*Awareness changes everything.
* You are not your body; it is a divine gift a vehicle for you to experience physicality.
*Spirituality is = Spirit experiencing physicality.
* Be kind and gentle with yourself, you do not need to be perfect. Your imperfections offer reflections, without this contrast there is no experience, expansion or exploration.
* Sex is sacred and meant to align two souls who are equally connected mentally, spiritually and physically. Having sex with no love only body can be emotionally and energetically damaging.
* We must fully feel all emotions and not suppress them, they will continue to resurface until you ingrate the lesson they are showing.
* Gratitude is the foundation for abundance in all areas of life. Focus on what you do have and not on lack, as the will only attract what your mental focus is on.
* VERY IMPORTANT what others say to you in a hurtful way is simply them projecting their pain upon you, don’t allow their words or intentions to drive you into self-doubt or fear.
* Take a spiritual perspective in all situations. (a birds eye view looking down on a situation)
* Meditation and taking time to align yourself and pull your energies back into alignment is essential for you to be able to live a life of making conscious decisions. If we don’t take time we can be pulled way out of alignment and blindly follow others intentions.
* You chose this life and you were chosen, you will have ups and downs. Life is meant to be felt. Don’t give up you are truly strong enough to handle this.
* Question everything you have been told and sold, seek your own truth.
* Call upon your angels and guides; they will walk by your side. Free will requires you to ask for their help. They can and will intervene on an untimely death.
* Everything and everyone is your teacher.
* We are all in this together, nobody is better than another. All are equal and having a unique experience. The beggar on the street, the dancer on the pole and the king in the castle all is equal in the presence of creation.
* Everything is energy, protect your energy. If you’re open and unaware you will blindly follow the magnetic pull of society’s distractions.
* Transformation is your birthright.
* Practice non attachment to material items or negative/abusive relationships
* Ground yourself in nature
* Let things go, don’t hold onto anything that holds you back and no longer serves your highest intentions.
* Forgive yourself and others, we are all doing the best we can with our state of being. Holding onto anger and judgment will only keep you anchored into the lower vibration.
* Always keep your heart and mind open to greater possibilities.
* When gratitude is given your vibration is lifted.
*Trust your intuition, its your soul leading the way.
* The future has not happened yet and the past is behind you. The only thing that is real is now. Stay in the present moment as this is the place you create within and experience within.
* Be aware that the music you listen to, you match the vibrational and subconsciously absorb the lyrics and accept as your reality. Remember, everything is energy. Music can lift you and it can lower you.